To find more information about the users who are visiting and engaging with your Digiphy storylines, click on Analytics on the top nav, and then select Demographics on the left nav.
User Location
Location data is captured by IP address, and is show in map view. You can zoom in / out with the + / - on the bottom right.
Note: You can zoom in on the map to show more specific location data, but we're not able to identify subsections of a city in our list view.
Top Cities
This is default sorted by number of New Users descending.
Note: It's worth noting that IP can (but not always) be different from physical location at the moment of interaction. Sometimes it’s about cell phone carrier settings, or a matter of time. Our research shows we are around an 85% accuracy rate.
For example: A person just flew to a new city and the IP hasn’t caught up yet. For this reason, one physical QR code can show data from other cities.
Returning Users
Count of Session = 1 means it was a user coming to the page once.
Count of Session = 2, or 3, or... means it was a user coming back to the page that many additional times.
Audience Age
Shows a breakdown of the age groups viewing your page(s)
Audience Gender
Shows a breakdown of the gender groups viewing your page(s)
Device Comparison
Review the breakdown of which devices people are using to view your page(s)