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Platform Overview

A quick intro to the platform

Chris Scott avatar
Written by Chris Scott
Updated over a year ago

Welcome to Digiphy! Here is a quick overview of the main sections within the platform.

1. My Storylines

"My Storylines" is your home screen, and collection of all pages you've created. From here you can manage your Storylines from a grid / list view, access premade templates and create new pages.

Storyline pages section overview

2. Analytics

Within "Analytics" you can see a reporting dashboard that presents data on all of your Storylines and QR codes. You can filter by Storyline and time period. There are four main sections... Overview, Engagement Insights, QR Codes and Demographics. Page data will be refreshed within 24 hours, and QR data will be instant.

Analytics section overview

3. QR Codes

In the "QR Codes" section you can see all QR codes created within your account. From here you can manage all QR codes and create new ones. They are divided into three categories. URL means they are currently redirecting to either a Storyline or external page. Unassigned codes have no destination. Archived have essentially be deleted but safely archived incase they need to be reinstated.

QR code section overview

4. Profile Settings

Access your "Profile Settings" by clicking the top right profile icon in the main navigation. From here you can manage your Profile Settings, Payments, Media Library and Integrations.

Profile settings section overview

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